Tuesday, January 23, 2007

this may be a little korny but...

I've always liked the liturgical calendar & seasons and the cycle of readings used by Catholics & Anglicans including the four week psalter in the liturgy of the hours. I've found that no matter what is going on in my life, somehow those predetermined readings fit in with my life & the world around me. To me this speaks of the wisdom of God and the ebb & flow of the life he's created. I was praying the office tonight, Week 3 - Tues evening prayer, when I noticed these prayers among the intercessions for today.

"O God, in your hands are the hearts of the powerful; bestow your wisdom upon government leaders, may they draw from the fountain of your counsel and please you in thought and deed."

"The talents of artists reflect your splendor, may their work give the world hope and joy."

These are written back-to-back in the office to be prayed on the day of the State of the Union address and the announcement of the Academy Award nominations. Nice coincidence, eh?

1 comment:

+ Alan said...

Lovely. I love those little providential "accidents."