Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What I don't like about...

  • the whole priest abuse scandal & cover up attempts by numerous bishops
  • insisting on celebacy for clergy
  • using bad theology to justify bad doctrine: a priest acts "in persona christi" and represents Jesus as the groom with the bride as the church therefore priests can't be married
  • claims of infallibility preventing the church from admitting/correcting mistakes
  • encouraging a dual-caste system of religious/clergy vs laity

Evangelical Protestantism

  • shallow, oversimplistic approach to faith
  • general lack of any sense of history or connection to the historical church
  • extreme individualism leading to a me-first, me-centered approach to spirituality
  • poor attitude towards children--they're often tolerated as second class citizens

Emerging Church

  • Brian McLaren
  • Too much effort spent trying to reinvent the wheel
  • Theological sloppiness
  • Some, not all, can be too critical and prideful


  • Way too tribal/ethnic
  • Perceived lack of evangelistic concern/effort
  • Not willing to be more flexible in worship
  • Triumphalism to the extreme


Anonymous said...

Wow. I wish I didn't agree.

But I do. Almost 100%.

+ Alan said...

Lay it down Father Tom. Lay it down there.